Day 3 (mostly Spin/TMDs): Morning session
- Miguel Echevarria (University of Alcala)
Day 3 (mostly Spin/TMDs): Afternoon session (incl. EIC)
- Daniel Boer
Quarkonium emissions in forward as well as in central directions of rapidity are widely recognized as excellent channels to access the nucleon structure in the high-energy/small-$x$ regime. Here, several phenomenological analyses have been proposed so far, this allowing us to probe kinematic ranges in the intersection corners of different approaches. At large transverse momenta, a high-energy...
Status of Next-to-Leading order calculation of the High-Energy Factorization coefficient function for the inclusive heavy-quarkonium photoproduction will be presented. The one-loop correction to the leading-order process:
R(q1) + gamma(q) -> c\bar{c} [1S0^(8)],
where R-Reggeized gluon with four-momentum q1=x1P1+qT1, qT1.P1=0, will be discussed within an effective-action framework...
In this talk I will discuss the TMD factorization and shape functions for quarkonium production in direct photo and lepto-production. The leading power contribution from color octets yields a more familiar form for the factorized cross section involving the quarkonium TMD-shape functions. The singlet contribution, which can be enhanced due to relative velocity power-counting, involves...
Based on generator-level simulations, a number of potential problems and pitfalls of the measurement of gluon TMD in the jpsi+gamma final state will be presented, and remedies suggested.
Measurements of heavy quark bound states, like J/psi meson, provide a unique opportunity to study QCD properties. General features of quarkonia production such as cross-sections and transverse momentum distributions are well described by many existing models. In order to differentiate between various models one has to study quarkonia production in more details. One of the observables which can...
We study transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries (SSAs) for $J/\psi$ production in $p^↑ p→J/\psi+X$ within the phenomenological approaches of the Generalized Parton Model (GPM) and its extension, the Colour Gauge Invariant-GPM (CGI-GPM). Such SSAs are expected to give access to the so-called gluon Sivers function (GSF), a still poorly known transverse momentum dependent distribution (TMD). In both...
In our work we are interested in the transverse single-spin asymmetry (TSSA) of $p^{\uparrow}p\to J/\psi X$ process, incorporating both transverse-momentum and spin effects. To predict production cross section of prompt $J/\psi$ we use two different approaches, the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization approach and the Improved Color Evaporation Model (ICEM), and show how the predicted...
We study the Sivers azimuthal asymmetry, and the role of the gluonSivers function (GSF), in inelastic $J/\psi$ leptoproduction, $l\,p^\uparrow\to l^\prime+J/\psi+ X$ within a phenomenological TMD scheme, known as the generalized parton model (GPM). We adopt the NRQCD effective theory for the quarkonium formation mechanism and employ the colour-gauge invariant version of the GPM to study the...
We present a recent calculation of $cos2\phi$ asymmetry in $J/\psi$ production, in an unpolarized electron-proton collision, using non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) based color octet model. This can probe the linearly polarized gluon distribution in the unpolarized proton within the kinematical range of the planned Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). We calculate the asymmetry in the kinematical region...
Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) are extensions of the well-known collinear PDFs. They contain, apart from the usual x- and scale dependence, also information on the intrinsic transverse momentum carried by the parton, and on the spin correlations.
Experimentally, not so much is known about gluon TMDs, since they are subleading with respect to their quark...