Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle
(CERN Director for International Relations)
28/04/2021, 09:00
Fabiola Gianotti
(CERN Director-General)
28/04/2021, 09:02
Friedrich Haug
28/04/2021, 09:20
Joachim Josef Mnich
(CERN Director Research and Computing)
28/04/2021, 09:30
Daniel Schoerling
(CERN Procurement),
Alexandra Hahnel-Borgeaud
(CERN Procurement -Legal Advisor)
28/04/2021, 09:50
Timo Ueltzhöffer
(DESY Project Management Agency)
28/04/2021, 10:45
Patrick Brandmaier
(French-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Managing Director)
28/04/2021, 11:10
Harald Reichert
(ESRF Director Science)
28/04/2021, 11:30
Sonia Utermann
(FAIR In-kind and Procurement Management)
28/04/2021, 11:50
Christian Joram
(CERN Physics),
Francois Vasey
28/04/2021, 13:35
28/04/2021, 13:55
CIS, iseg Spezialelektronik, Physik Instrumente (PI), Rohde & Schwarz, TRUMPF Hüttinger, W-IE-NE-R, Würth Elektronik
Daniel Schoerling
(CERN Procurement)
29/04/2021, 09:00
29/04/2021, 09:30
BEVATEC, Bilfinger Noell, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), RI Research Instruments, INVENT, Theva Dünnschichttechnik
Jose Miguel Jimenez
Katy Foraz
29/04/2021, 10:50
29/04/2021, 11:10
BRUGG Rohrsysteme, ILK Dresden, InfraSolution, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Leybold, Pfeiffer Vacuum, PINK, REUTER TECHNOLOGIE, VACOM
29/04/2021, 13:55
Bilfinger Noell, Framatome, NUVIA Instruments, PTW Freiburg, Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE), German Edge Cloud, T-Systems International
Harald Haakh
(Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
29/04/2021, 14:50