On 4th September 2010, 77 members of the ENLIGHT network met in the Nobel Forum of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden to discuss the first year of the ULICE project. The project coordinator, Roberto Orecchia of CNAO, opened the meeting by giving a general overview of the management status of the project reporting that everything is on track. He emphasized that, after agreement with the project officer, who was also attending the meeting, the number of management reports which had originally been foreseen, had been reduced. The first financial and technical reports are now due in Month 18 of the project, March 2011.
Richard Poetter, Manjit Dosanjh, and Stephanie Combs on behalf of Juergen Debus, the pillar coordinators of the project then reported on the general advancement of Research, Networking and Transnational Access activites respectively. All is progressing according to plan.
After a brief talk from the European Commission Project Officer Purificacion Tejedor del Real, the conveners of 11 of the work packages took it in turn to give an update on the scientific progress of the project. Each of these presentations, along with those of the coordinator and the pillar coordinators can be found here.
Following on, Cristina Bono of the project office gave a brief presentation on the procedure to be followed for submitting the project deliverables, highlighting that the templates for the reports along with the procedure could be found on the internal website. She also took the opportunity to show that useful information like e-mail lists and project documents and templates could also be found on the website which all ULICE members have access to.
The meeting, which lasted the best part of the day, was drawn to a close by the coordinator who pointed out that it was time to start thinking about the venue and dates for next year’s meeting. The meeting in 2011 will be particularly important as this will be the Mid Term Review where representatives from the European Commission will review the progress of the project and decide whether the 20 organizations in the ULICE project should be awarded the next lot of funding to continue with this 4 year project.