W2-1 Optical Technology and Communication (DAMOPC) / Technologie optique et communication (DPAMPC)
- Jens Lassen (TRIUMF)
Spectral purity in laser emission is key for several applications such as remote sensing, non-linear optics and laser spectroscopy. However, producing single mode emission at high power in free-space, standing-wave resonators is challenging. Nanostructured laser mirrors can be used to achieve that in compact microchip monolithic laser resonators without using any additional intra-cavity...
The solid polymer light-emitting electrochemical cell (PLEC) possesses a polymer homojunction that is reminiscent of a conventional p-n junction but also exhibits distinct features that are profoundly intriguing. The PLEC junction is formed under bias when the propagating p- and n-doping fronts in the semiconducting polymer make contact. The PLEC junction can be immobilized by cooling after...
Supercontinuum generation in optical fiber is the result of an interplay between multiple nonlinear processes. Simulations to reproduce experimental observations are well documented: a differential equation known as the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (GNLSE) is solved to determine the effect of propagation on the spectral and temporal profiles of the slowly-varying amplitude of a...
Next generation wireless communication technologies will rely on techniques able to rapidly change the properties of an optical filter in the far-infrared region. Here we demonstrate ultrafast modulation of a metasurface’s transmission spectrum containing a resonance around the optical frequency of 1 terahertz (THz). The metasurface consists of an array of sub-wavelength gold crosses deposited...
Trapped ions are a leading platform for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing with high gate fidelities, long coherence times, and natural long range ion-ion interactions. QuantumION is a project which aims to scale trapped ion quantum computing to 16 Ba+ qubits while providing an open-access resource to the whole research community. High fidelity control over each ion is crucial...