R2-3 Biophotonics II (DAMOPC/DPMB) / Biophotonique II (DPAMPC/DPMB)
- Ozzy Mermut (York University)
Over the past 25 years, optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology has been used for clinical diagnostics of potentially blinding ocular (retinal and corneal) diseases because it offers a non-invasive approach, fast image acquisition rates and multi-functionality. However, clinical OCT systems lack the necessary resolution and imaging speed for in-vivo imaging of the cellular and...
Wide field imaging of the retina at the rear of the eye is recommended yearly for those with diabetes to screen for sight threatening changes. We and others have shown that amyloid protein deposits in the retina appear early in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and predict the severity of amyloid in the brain.
We wish to optimize a scanning laser instrument to image the retina for screening both...