1–4 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Backing up CERNBox: Lessons learned.

3 Mar 2021, 16:20


Roberto Valverde Cameselle (CERN) Joao Calado Vicente (CERN)


CERNBox is the cloud sync and share service implementation at CERN which is used by physicists and collaborators across the globe. Data stored in CERNBox is becoming more and more critical and having a backup system is crucial for its preservation.

Two years ago we started a prototype of a backup orchestrator based on the open source tool restic. In 2020 the project reached its maturity and was enabled as the main production system for backup and restore. At the time being, more than 3PB of backup data is stored in S3 and more than 36K backup jobs are scheduled every day over the eosxd mounts.

In this presentation, we will give an overview of the project focusing on challenges, what we have learnt and talk about future plans.


Presentation materials