CMS guides:
Dr Sorina Popescu
Education: PdD in Theoretical Physics –Bucharest University and MBA in digital economy Webster University Geneva.
Experience: Senior physicist on detector R&D in High Energy Physics laboratories like, Dubna – Russia, Fermilab CERN – and – US Switzerland. Experienced with teaching for University students and Geneva High School students.
Scientific communication speaker for international and national science popularization like CERN Teachers Programme, S’Cool Lab, Open Days.
Member of CMS experiment for HCAL group since 2007 participated to first CMS wheel lowering, connections, commissioning and first Higgs results.
Andrés Delannoy
Andrés is a postdoctoral researcher with the University of Tennessee and has been a part of the CMS Collaboration since 2007. He got his PhD in physics at Vanderbilt University where he worked on searches for supersymmetry. Currently, he is working as the operations manager for the Pixel Luminosity Telescope at CMS.
Technical Support Team:
Noemi Beni
Zoltan Szillasi