I show a possibility that a quintessential axion (with its breaking by the weak SU(2) gauge anomaly) can be the source of dark energy. However, I cannot show why the minimum of the potential is at the zero value for the cosmological constant.
The standard cooling scenario in the presence of nucleon superfluidity fits rather well to the observation of the neutron stars. It implies that the stellar cooling arguments could place a stringent constraint on the properties of novel particles. We study in particular the cooling rate induced by dark gauge bosons for very young neutron stars: remnants of Cassiopeia A and SN1987A. The cooling...
If even a relatively small number of primordial black holes (PBH) were created in the early universe, they will constitute an increasingly large fraction of the total energy density as space expands. It is thus well-motivated to consider scenarios in which the early universe was dominated by short lived PBH (M < 10^9 grams, t < 1 sec)
whose Hawking radiation produces both the Standard Model...