2021 Chung-Ang University Beyond the Standard Model Workshop

Department of Physics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Chang Hyon Ha (Chung-Ang University), Gungwon Kang (Chung-Ang University), Hyun Min Lee (CAU - Chung-Ang University (KR)), Myeonghun Park (Seoultech), Siyeon Kim (Chung-Ang University)

The Chung-Ang University Beyond the Standard Model (CAU BSM) Workshop is the first meeting on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Higgs, Dark Matter, Axion, Inflation, GWs and Neutrino Physics) in Chung-Ang University, Korea. We aim at inviting experts on discussing interesting current topics and initiating the collaborations between different institutions in the globe.  Although the first series starts with ZOOM on the web, the CAU workshop is to keep the community connected with lively discussion and participation.


Feb 1 (Day 1)

Zoom online Meeting ID: 810 7903 2856


Feb 2 (Day 2)

Zoom online Meeting ID: 872 8553 7510


Feb 3 (Day 3)

Zoom online Meeting ID: 867 7016 3587




Invited speakers

Cliff Burgess (Perimeter Institute/McMaster Univ)

Kiwoon Choi (IBS-CTPU)

Eung Jin Chun (KIAS)

Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)

Dumitru Ghilencea (Bucharest, IFIN-HH)

Jinn-Ouk Gong (Ewha Univ)

Deog-Ki Hong (PNU)

Anson Hook (Univ of Maryland)

Kwang Sik Jeong (PNU)

Sunghoon Jung (SNU)

Sin Kyu Kang (Seoultech)

Hyung Do Kim (SNU)

Jihn E. Kim (KHU)

Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)

Kyungchul Kong (Univ Kansas)

Joachim Kopp (CERN/Mainz)

Gordan Krnjaic (Fermilab)

Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)

Seung Joon Lee (Korea Univ)

Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley)

Jong Chul Park (Chungnam Nat Univ)

Seong Chan Park (Yonsei Univ)

Tilman Plehn (Uni-Heidelberg)

Chang Sub Shin (IBS-CTPU)

Yuhsin Tsai (Notre Dame Univ)

Un-Ki Yang (SNU)

Hai-Bo Yu (UC Riverside)



CAU Department of Physics: http://physics.cau.ac.kr

CAU THEP Group: https://sites.google.com/site/cautheplab


Contact: Hyun Min Lee
    • 1
      Superconducting Axion String and Cosmic Background Axion
      Speaker: Hitoshi Murayama (University of California Berkeley (US))
    • 2
      Hierarchical axion couplings from axion landscape
      Speaker: Kiwoon Choi
    • 10:40
      Coffee break
    • 3
      SU(2) Anomaly for DE Source

      I show a possibility that a quintessential axion (with its breaking by the weak SU(2) gauge anomaly) can be the source of dark energy. However, I cannot show why the minimum of the potential is at the zero value for the cosmological constant.

      Speaker: Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University)
    • 4
      Axion-driven hybrid inflation over a barrier
      Speaker: Kwang Sik Jeong
    • 12:10
      Lunch & Discussion
    • 5
      Extreme Testing of Self-Interacting Dark Matter
      Speaker: Hai-Bo Yu (University of California, Riverside)
    • 6
      Cooling of young neutron stars and dark gauge bosons

      The standard cooling scenario in the presence of nucleon superfluidity fits rather well to the observation of the neutron stars. It implies that the stellar cooling arguments could place a stringent constraint on the properties of novel particles. We study in particular the cooling rate induced by dark gauge bosons for very young neutron stars: remnants of Cassiopeia A and SN1987A. The cooling is dominantly contributed either by the nucleon pair breaking and formation in the core or by the electron bremsstrahlung in the crust, depending on the age of the stars and the form of the couplings. We compute how much the cooling curve of the young neutron stars could be modified by the extra dark gauge boson emission and obtain the bound for the dark gauge boson.

      Speaker: Deog Ki Hong (Pusan National University (KR))
    • 7
      Dark Axion Portal
      Speaker: Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break
    • 8
      Hunting for New Physics in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

      The goal of this phenomenology-oriented talk is to highlight some of the
      manifold ways in which neutrino oscillation experiments contribute to
      the global search for physics beyond the Standard Model. We will in
      particular discuss searches for sterile neutrinos (for which there exist
      some tantalizing but controversial hints), searches for new interactions
      in an effective field theory context, and searches for dark matter.
      Moreover, we will highlight the tremendous potential of neutrino "Near
      Detectors" for probing light and weakly interacting new particles.
      Throughout the talk, we will also highlight the Standard Model
      challenges that current and future neutrino oscillation experiments are
      facing, in particular with regard to precision prediction for
      neutrino-nucleus interactions.

      Speaker: Joachim Kopp (CERN)
    • 9
      Neutrino oscillations in a medium
      Speaker: Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
    • 10
      New mechanism for baryon asymmetry and connection with dark matter
      Speaker: Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul-Tech)
    • 11
      Fun with axions and axion strings
      Speaker: Anson Hook (University of Maryland)
    • 12
      Exploring the Universe with Dark Light Scalars
      Speaker: Chang Sub Shin (Institute for Basic Science )
    • 10:40
      Coffee break
    • 13
      Primordial Black Hole Domination: Dark Matter, Dark Radiation, and Gravitational Waves

      If even a relatively small number of primordial black holes (PBH) were created in the early universe, they will constitute an increasingly large fraction of the total energy density as space expands. It is thus well-motivated to consider scenarios in which the early universe was dominated by short lived PBH (M < 10^9 grams, t < 1 sec)
      whose Hawking radiation produces both the Standard Model radiation bath and other exotic gravitationally coupled species. Within this context, we consider Hawking radiation as a mechanism to produce dark radiation and dark matter. In a PBH dominated era, we find that Schwarzschild Hawking evaporation produces dark radiation at a level ΔNeff∼0.03−0.2 for each light and decoupled species of spin 0, 1/2, or 1. During this era, dark matter could also originate as Hawking radiation, although such dark matter candidates must be very heavy (m >10^11 GeV) to avoid overproduction. Furthermore, if the PBH undergo mergers before evaporating, the subsequent population acquires nonzero spin, so the resulting Kerr Hawking radiation efficiently produces gravitons whose contribution to ΔNeff is within the reach of future CMB experiments; such mergers also predict a characteristic spectrum of primordial gravitational waves at high frequencies correlated with the progenitor PBH mass.

      Speaker: Gordan Krnjaic (Fermilab)
    • 14
      Small-scale shear: Diffuse subhalos with gravitational waves
      Speaker: Sunghoon Jung (Seoul National University)
    • 12:10
      Lunch & Discussion
    • 15
      Double Higgs production at the HL-LHC
      Speaker: K.C. Kong (University of Kansas)
    • 16
      Search for BSM Higgs at the LHC
      Speaker: Un-Ki Yang
    • 17
      Gapped Continuum Dark Matter
      Speaker: Seung J. Lee (Korea University)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break
    • 18
      Higgs in the Swampland
      Speaker: Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)
    • 19
      Invertible LHC Simulations with Generative Networks
      Speaker: Tilman Plehn
    • 20
      The weak scale as a trigger
      Speaker: Hyung Do Kim (Seoul National University)
    • 21
      EFTs and Inflation
      Speaker: Clifford Peter Burgess (McMaster University (CA))
    • 22
      Leptogenesis in Higgs inflation
      Speaker: Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University)
    • 10:40
      Coffee break
    • 23
      Cosmological Particle Production and Pairwise Hotspots on the CMB
      Speaker: Yuhsin Tsai (Fermilab/Cornell)
    • 24
      Quantum aspects of inflationary GWs
      Speaker: Jinn-Ouk Gong
    • 12:10
      Lunch & Discussion
    • 25
      Inelastic DM models with Dark Higgs boson
      Speaker: Pyungwon Ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))
    • 26
      Detecting Super-Light Dark Matter with Graphene Josephson Junction
      Speaker: Jong-Chul Park
    • 27
      Dark matter particles and neutrinos with NaI(Tl) crystal detectors
      Speaker: Chang Hyon Ha (Chung-Ang University)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break
    • 28
      Spontaneous breaking of Weyl quadratic gravity to Einstein action and inflation
      Speaker: Dumitru Ghilencea (IFIN-HH (RO))
    • 29
      Toward waveform modelings for gravitational waves from black hole encountering
      Speaker: Gungwon Kang (KISTI)