2021 Chung-Ang University Beyond the Standard Model Workshop
The Chung-Ang University Beyond the Standard Model (CAU BSM) Workshop is the first meeting on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Higgs, Dark Matter, Axion, Inflation, GWs and Neutrino Physics) in Chung-Ang University, Korea. We aim at inviting experts on discussing interesting current topics and initiating the collaborations between different institutions in the globe. Although the first series starts with ZOOM on the web, the CAU workshop is to keep the community connected with lively discussion and participation.
Feb 1 (Day 1)
Zoom online Meeting ID: 810 7903 2856
Feb 2 (Day 2)
Zoom online Meeting ID: 872 8553 7510
Feb 3 (Day 3)
Zoom online Meeting ID: 867 7016 3587
Invited speakers
Cliff Burgess (Perimeter Institute/McMaster Univ)
Kiwoon Choi (IBS-CTPU)
Eung Jin Chun (KIAS)
Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)
Dumitru Ghilencea (Bucharest, IFIN-HH)
Jinn-Ouk Gong (Ewha Univ)
Deog-Ki Hong (PNU)
Anson Hook (Univ of Maryland)
Kwang Sik Jeong (PNU)
Sunghoon Jung (SNU)
Sin Kyu Kang (Seoultech)
Hyung Do Kim (SNU)
Jihn E. Kim (KHU)
Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)
Kyungchul Kong (Univ Kansas)
Joachim Kopp (CERN/Mainz)
Gordan Krnjaic (Fermilab)
Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)
Seung Joon Lee (Korea Univ)
Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley)
Jong Chul Park (Chungnam Nat Univ)
Seong Chan Park (Yonsei Univ)
Tilman Plehn (Uni-Heidelberg)
Chang Sub Shin (IBS-CTPU)
Yuhsin Tsai (Notre Dame Univ)
Un-Ki Yang (SNU)
Hai-Bo Yu (UC Riverside)
CAU Department of Physics: http://physics.cau.ac.kr
CAU THEP Group: https://sites.google.com/site/cautheplab