A few years ago, an initiative to bring together people developing educational activities with Cosmic Ray Detectors was launched through the Eurocosmics proposal. Since then, many activities in this area have been initiated at the national level in European countries.
In order to reactivate the Eurocosmics ideal of networking these activities, we are organising a workshop on cosmic ray detectors for education at CERN on the 15th of October. The workshop will be hosted by the ASPERA, EPPOG and EPPCN networks*.
The aim of this workshop is:
- To give an overview of the status of current projects;
- To discuss how to strengthen and network these activities and how to share best practice for the benefit of all projects;
- To prepare the groundwork for a Framework programme proposal to consolidate these activities.
For information on Accomodation please visit http://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=0&confId=99542.
More details about the programme and practical details will follow soon, but in the meantime we invite you to register for this event through the link on your left (Registration Form) and of course to save the date in your diaries.
Arnaud Marsollier on behalf of:
EPPOG: European Particle Physics Outreach Group
EPPCN: European Particle Physics Communication Network
ASPERA: European network for astroparticle physics (AStroparticle Physcis ERAnet)