15–19 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Windows desktop service from computer to user centric IT

15 Mar 2021, 10:35
Online workshop

Online workshop

End-User IT Services & Operating Systems End-User IT Services & Operating Systems


Sebastien Dellabella (CERN)


  • Over the last decades we mainly focused our MS Windows management policy on hardening machines, we wanted to control and manage how and when security updates were deployed, how software could be installed, licensed and monitored on a machine… But times have changed, IT has evolved and users can now be empowered and regain their freedom. Let’s see together which solutions we put in place to reduce control over Windows users while maintaining a secure and user-friendly experience. Be part of a Windows Active Directory domain is not anymore the Alpha and Omega of a Windows-based computer.
Desired slot length 15min
Speaker release Yes


Presentation materials