15–19 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Ceph at RAL

17 Mar 2021, 09:35
Online workshop

Online workshop

Storage & Filesystems Storage & File Systems


Mr Morgan Robinson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory runs three production Ceph clusters providing: Object Storage to the LHC experiments and many others; RBD storage underpinning the STFC OpenStack Cloud and CephFS for local users of the ISIS neutron source. The requirements and hardware for these clusters is very different yet it is underpinned by the same storage technology. This talk will cover the status of Ceph at RAL, operations and lessons learnt during lockdown as well as some of our future plans to continually improve the service offered.

Desired slot length 20 miutes
Speaker release Yes


Mr Morgan Robinson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Mr Marcello Armand Pilon (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

Presentation materials