28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Combined effect of impedance and beam-beam

1 Jul 2021, 11:54
FCCIS WP2 (FCC-ee design) FCC-ee accelerators


Yuan Zhang (IHEP-CAS)


With large Piwinski angle collision, both luminosity and beam-beam tune shifts depend on the bunch length. The longitudinal beam dynamics also plays an essential role for several new effects, such as beamstrahlung, coherent X-Z instability and 3D flip-flop. The combined effect of longitudinal impedance and beam-beam interaction should be taken into account for the collider luminosity optimization. The impact on the coherent X-Z instability is focused. Simulation results are shown for different schemes: CDR, higher harmonic cavity, large momentum compaction and 4IPs.


Yuan Zhang (IHEP-CAS)


Emanuela Carideo (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Mikhail Zobov Mauro Migliorati (University of Rome "LA SAPIENZA")

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