28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

SuperKEKB collimation system

1 Jul 2021, 12:12
FCCIS WP2 (FCC-ee design) FCC-ee accelerators


Takuya Ishibashi (KEK)


In the SuperKEKB, which is a two-ring collider consisting of 4 GeV positron and 7 GeV electron storage ring, movable collimators have been installed in order to reduce the backgrounds in the detector and avoid quenches in superconducting final focusing magnets. Therefore, the movable collimators are one of the indispensable components in SuperKEKB for the machine operations. We developed horizontal and vertical collimators having a pair of horizontally or vertically opposed movable jaws with radio-frequency shields, and the system has generally functioned as expected up to approximately 1 A in the beam current. In this talk, the design and experiences about the collimators are mainly presented.


Presentation materials