28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Geodetic studies for FCC

1 Jul 2021, 12:00
General safety, OHS, RP, access Technical infrastuctures


Dr Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)


The FCC site will be ten times larger than the current CERN site; most of the geodetic reference frames and infrastructure go back to LEP and a new design is required. A collaboration has been put in place between CERN, Swisstopo, ETH Zürich and HEIG-Vd to perform part of these studies.
In this talk, I will first remind the motivation of such geodetic studies before introducing the collaboration put in place: presenting the collaborators, the objectives, the defined deliverables and milestones. The status and technical progress achieved on these studies will be provided. I will conclude with a description of the organization of the WP and a review of its activities for the 2021-2025 period and above.


Presentation materials