28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

What software for 'Higgs and Electroweak Factories’?

28 Jun 2021, 16:00
Physics performance Physics, Experiments & Detectors


Gerardo Ganis (CERN)


The European Strategy Update has indicated an e+e- electroweak and Higgs factory as the next collider to be built in Europe. The proposed projects are usually classified on whether the underlying accelerator machine is linear or circular. For all these possible facilities software is a crucial component to understand the potentiality and issues of the proposed solutions. Despite the differences coming from the underlying collision source, software-wise these facilities have a lot in common, to the point that they are at the core driving engine of a project for a common software for future colliders, key4hep, which aims to succeed where LHC did not completely succeed, i.e. standardising HEP software. In this talk we will present the status of these activities, including the adoption strategies by the various projects, and discuss the challenges ahead, with a particular eye on FCCee.


Presentation materials