28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experience at SuperKEKB

29 Jun 2021, 11:40
FCCIS WP2 (FCC-ee design) FCC-ee accelerators


Jacqueline Keintzel (Vienna University of Technology (AT))


Possible circular colliders for the post-LHC era at CERN are being explored within the framework of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) feasibility study. The first stage of the FCC integrated project is the FCC-ee, an ambitious electron-positron collider with a circumference of approximately 100 km. Certain key concepts of the FCC-ee design can be demonstrated and tested at existing facilities, such as at SuperKEKB at KEK. Understanding the crab-waist collision scheme, testing optics control and emittance tuning techniques offer invaluable insights for the FCC-ee design optimisation and its operational procedures. The experience at SuperKEKB will be an essential input to the FCC Feasibility Study Report. This talk will highlight already successfully performed studies at SuperKEKB and will give an overview of possible future tests for FCC-ee.


Jacqueline Keintzel (Vienna University of Technology (AT))

Presentation materials