The FCC infrastructure is based on a 90 to 100 km circumference tunnel, connected via more or less regularly spaced access shafts with up to 12 surface sites. Placement of this infrastructure needs to take into account the underground geological conditions, territorial and environmental constraints as well as the physics performance that can be reached with the colliders. Final optimisation will also have to balance cost, risk and other aspects. Placement studies have commenced already during the conceptual design phase in cooperation with host state authorities. They were supported by civil engineering studies and the development of a geological model for the Geneva basin. Starting from the CDR baseline layout, various geometries and placements have been analysed. They include two different approaches: a mirror-symmetric 12-site layout and a layout with a 90 degrees super-periodicity with 8 sites.
A major layout and placement review was held on 7 and 8 June 2021, bringing together members of the FCC International Advisory Board, representatives of the host states and technical experts to review progress and confirm the methods applied. The development of a preferred scenario to be validated with subsurface investigations and with regional stakeholders is the next logical step.
The purpose of this presentation is to outline the main elements of this project review.