A.Saba1,2, A. Leveratto1, C. Ferdeghini1, M. Putti1,2, S. Calatroni3, M. Himmerlich3, S.Fernandez-Peña3, R. Vaglio1,4, S. Holleis5, M. Eisterer5 , J. Bernardi6 and E. Bellingeri1
1 CNR SPIN, I-16152 Genoa, Italy
2 University of Genova, Physics Department, I-16126 Genoa, Italy
3 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
4 University of Naples Federico II and INFN, Physics Department, I-80125 Naples, Italy
5 Atominstitut, TU Wien, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria
6USTEM, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Vienna, Austria
The properties of high-temperature thallium-based superconductors are being studied in view of a possible coating for the beam shield of the future Circle Collider (FCC-hh). Research on the FCC-hh is focused on achieving a centre-of-mass energy of 100 TeV by colliding beams (guided by 16 T superconducting magnets). The beam stability and the safety of the cryogenic systems are two of the most critical aspects in such accelerators. According to theoretical estimations, the surface resistance of copper as currently used in the LHC at CERN may not be low enough to cope with the instabilities in the envisaged temperature range (40-60 K) of the FCC-hh. Therefore, high-temperature superconducting coatings have been proposed as alternative low-resistance materials.
We have been fabricating and analysing thallium-based superconducting samples to contribute to this research. The different techniques used to synthesise Tl-1223 superconducting samples, their characterisation, vacuum compatibility and recent improvements will be introduced. Furthermore, the current and future agenda in light of the new project aiming at understanding the actual feasibility of the coating for this application in an extreme environment will be discussed.
This work is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network EASITrain (European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training), funded by the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 764879, and now the project ADDENDUM FCC-GOV-CC-0217 (KE5072/TE) to evaluate Tl (1223) superconducting beam screen coatings for FCC.