28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Communicating the FCC feasibility study

30 Jun 2021, 16:40
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage) FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage)


Andrea Perez Fernandez (CERN)


As mandated by the European Strategy for Particle Physics, CERN has established the Future Circular Collider (FCC) feasibility study to investigate, over the next 5 years, the technical and financial viability of the new generation of particle colliders at CERN.

This talk focuses on advances in the development of a local communication plan for the FCC feasibility study.

The FCC tunnel would be 3 times longer than that of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), bringing CERN’s concept of local to another level. This comes with significant consequences. On the one hand, the infrastructure would extend CERN’s local benefits to a much wider area. On the other, some disruption due to activities on the ground, during both the Feasibility Study and in potential subsequent stages of the project, is inevitable. Any action impacting the local area must be communicated effectively, through timely engagement with a range of audiences in both Host States.

CERN’s communication strategy establishes the for fluid and transparent two-way communication with the local communities. Within this framework, a local communication plan is being developed in close collaboration with local authorities in France and Switzerland. Some of the issues being investigated at the moment are the identification of local stakeholders; the correct use of communication channels; the development of targeted messages and the design of adapted communication supports.



Presentation materials