Physics, Experiments & Detectors
- Gavin Salam (University of Oxford)
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
- Joachim Josef Mnich (CERN)
Physics, Experiments & Detectors: Physics Performance highlights
- Ben Kilminster (University of Zurich (CH))
Physics, Experiments & Detectors: Software and Physics Highlights
- David Lange (Princeton University (US))
Physics, Experiments & Detectors: Detectors
- Didier Claude Contardo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
In this talk, I will give a broad overview of the physics case for the FCC. I will review the puzzles of the Standard Model and opportunities to go beyond it, and discuss how the FCC plans fit in this context. FCC-ee can provide a major boost to the precision study of the Standard Model and electroweak symmetry breaking, while also offering opportunities to search for new physics. FCC-hh will...
The European Strategy Update has indicated an e+e- electroweak and Higgs factory as the next collider to be built in Europe. The proposed projects are usually classified on whether the underlying accelerator machine is linear or circular. For all these possible facilities software is a crucial component to understand the potentiality and issues of the proposed solutions. Despite the...
In this presentation, the prospects of Higgs mass and model-independent cross-section measurements at the FCCee are outlined, using the recoil mass from the ZH Higgstralung process. A baseline analysis with statistical interpretation in the muon channel will be presented and discussed within the targeted experimental conditions such as detector configurations and machine parameters.
$Z$-pole operation at FCC-ee represents an unprecedented opportunity for heavy flavour physics, as the production of $5 \times 10^{12}$ $Z$ bosons will result in a sample of $8 \times 10^{11}$ $b$-quark pairs. All species of $B$ hadron will be produced at FCC-ee, including the doubly heavy $B_c^+$ meson. The purely leptonic decays of this meson, which proceed in the Standard Model via...
The FCCAnalysis project provides a declarative analysis framework for EDM4hep based on RDataFrame with high level python interface (PyROOT), access to advanced python tools (e.g. akward array), and object reconstruction codes (e.g. FastJet). A common library of C++ algorithms, including for example thrust axis minimisation, jet clustering, vertex reconstruction, is being constantly improved...
Long-lived particles have significant enough lifetimes as to, when produced in collisions, leave distinct signatures in the detectors. Driven by increasingly higher energies, trigger and reconstruction algorithms at particle colliders are optimized for increasingly heavier particles, which in turn, tend to be short-lived.
This makes searches for long-lived particles difficult, usually...
The tracking system of the IDEA detector follows a classical approach for $e^+e^-$ colliders. Its main tracking device is a large size drift chamber is very light drift chamber exploiting the cluster counting method for particle identification. It is complemented with silicon detectors for the vertex region and for a wrapper around the drift chamber, providing a high precision measurements at...
A novel RICH detector concept will be presented, suitable to satisfy the particle identification requirements for an experiment at FCC-ee (or other future collider).
Particular attention has been taken on achieving a compact and low-mass detector while maintaining exquisite resolution. Preliminary engineering considerations and predicted performance will be shown, along with the compelling...
Crystal calorimetry has a long history of pushing the frontier of high energy resolution measurements for EM particles. Recent technological developments in the fields of crystal manufacturing and photodetector developments (SiPMs) have opened new perspectives on how a segmented crystal calorimeter with dual-readout capabilities could be exploited for particle detectors at future collider...
Since many decades scintillating crystals have been used for high resolution electromagnetic calorimeters and significant progress has been made since 30 years in the field of inorganic scintillators in the understanding of their scintillation properties, radiation hardness and production methods. In recent years many studies have been carried out in the framework of the Crystal Clear...