Technical infrastuctures
- Christian Prasse (Fraunhofer Institut for Material Flow and Logistics)
Technical infrastuctures
- Andreas Wieser
this presentation will show all integration studies done until now, and the forthcoming studies
For material and people, logistics, transport and handling are of great importance in the construction, assembly and operation of the FCC.
The presentation will focus on transport scenarios, design concept for special vehicles for the underground transportation and handling, design concept for bridge cranes and lifts as well as assembly, testing and storage facilities organization and supply...
Operation of the technical infrastructure is often a task done in the shadow of accelerator operations, until, of course, the inevitable breakdown. We need electricity, cooling, ventilation, IT systems and much more to run our very complex accelerator complex, but how do we keep the faults to a minimum?
In this talk we will touch base on how operation of the technical infrastructure at...
Safety for the FCC feasibility study comprises occupational health and safety, radiation protection, beam safety and personnel protection systems, fire safety and emergency response and environmental monitoring.
In a comprehensive safety report, we will document hazards and risks of the technologies employed in FCC, and make recommendations for mitigation measures. In many cases, these will...
The FCC machines will require a strong electricity supply for power demand in the order of 400 to 600MW. A Detail study was performed with 3 sub-stations at 400kV as delivery points. FCC-hh and FCC-ee were considered and a strong baseline was achieved. For Phase 2 of the study, the work package will focus on alternative scenarios and on optimization. The alternative scenarios concern the...
The cooling and ventilation systems are an integral part of the functioning of any accelerator but even more complex and challenging for the FCC due to the huge distances between sites and shafts.
The presentation will outline the proposed cooling and ventilation concepts and the challenges involved.
Furthermore it will give an outlook of the phase 2 studies that will be conducted with...
Capitalising on the cryogenic operation experience of the LHC and thanks to the promising results of the R&D efforts, the first phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study presents in its Conceptual Design Report (CDR) published in January 2019 a clear route to a post-LHC machine, which shall be housed in a new 100km circumference tunnel. Regarding the cryogenic system, it is describing...
The FCC site will be ten times larger than the current CERN site; most of the geodetic reference frames and infrastructure go back to LEP and a new design is required. A collaboration has been put in place between CERN, Swisstopo, ETH Zürich and HEIG-Vd to perform part of these studies.
In this talk, I will first remind the motivation of such geodetic studies before introducing the...