Technology R&D
- m Koratzinos (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Technology R&D
- Anke-Susanne Mueller (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
The presentation will recall the designs proposed in the CDR and address options to accommodate additional features like the field tapering needed to mitigate the energy saw-tooth effect.
The talk focuses on the powering of the main dipole magnets for the FCC-ee collider. The choice of the number of circuits is analysed considering the impact given by the different cable lengths (cost and electrical losses). The major design compromises on the powering against the number of turns selection in the dipole magnets are illustrated. Finally, a solution with power converters trims...
The SuperKEKB, the upgrade project of KEKB, is an electron-positron collider with asymmetric energies, that is, 7 GeV electrons and 4 GeV positrons. The construction started in 2010 and ended in 2016. Following the test operation (Phase-1) and the commissioning operation (Phase-2), the physics operation (Phase-3) has started since 2019.
As for the vacuum system, most of the vacuum...
The FCC-ee operation modes foresee stored beam energies of up to 20 MJ (for Z operation). In this talk an optimized beam dumping system is presented. This system utilizes passive beam diluters (Spoilers) and therefore eliminates any active dilution failure scenarios, while also being capable of shortening the dump line to about 350 m from extraction.
Materials for this Spoilers have been...
The electron-ion collider (EIC) to be constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory is presently in the conceptual design phase of development. This facility will be based on the existing RHIC complex. There will be a new electron gun, linac and rapid cycling synchrotron feeding the 5-18 GeV storage ring to provide polarized electrons for collision with hadrons. The existing RHIC hadron...
At the KIT the world’s first electro-optical (EO) near-field monitor for a high bunch-repetition storage ring, the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), was developed and is installed to detect longitudinal electron bunch profiles. Imprinting the longitudinal profiles onto chirped laser pulses and using the ultra-fast line-camera KALYPSO built at KIT, single-shot bunch-by-bunch measurements...
The perception, cognition and control of robotic systems was advancing rapidly in the last decades and is even speeding up, benefiting from increasing computation power and technologies like artificial intelligence. These developments enabled robots to handle more complex tasks with a higher degree of automation. Extrapolating the state of robotic intelligence by about two decades, the time...
CERN has launched the FCC Innovation Study R&D program that will support the feasibility study for the FCC-hh, a new circular hadron collider with 100 km circumference where 16T superconducting magnets will steer proton bunches producing center-of-mass collision energies of 100TeV. Part of this R&D initiative is to rethink the design of the beam-screen chamber, a stainless steel pipe necessary...