FCCIS WP4 (Impact & Sustainability)
- Emanuela Sirtori
Introduction on the socio-economic impact assessment model
FCC will have an impact on the career development of students and young researchers who spend a research period at CERN. The presentation presents estimates on the number of people who will benefit from human capital formation during the FCC lifetime, as well as preliminary results of the expected benefits for their salary and careers.
What is the spatial footprint of the socio-economic benefits of High-Energy Physics Research Infrastructures? This presentation discusses the preliminary stages of LSE research on FCC's potential spatial socio-economic benefits by focusing on SRF cavities production, one of the key technologies for the FCC-ee.
As a research infrastructure, FCC would create socio-economic impacts both at global level as well as at regional and territorial levels. The aim of our work is to identify territorial (in France and in Switzerland) and regional benefits.
This presentation focuses on the approach and method that will be applied. Based on a territorial development approach, we identify potential regional...