Meeting with SY-RF

866/1-A04 (CERN)



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Status and plans for SY/BI following 2019 meeting:

Present: Frank, Andy and Alick (SY-RF), Peter and Lars (EN-IM)


The main purpose of the meeting was to introduce Peter and Lars as asset-management supporters for the SY/RF group and attempt to identify areas to focus on. As suggested, Andy went through the slides presented at the 2019 asset-management forum annual meeting (

Following the presentation it was suggested that:

  1.  Andy sets up a meeting with Wolfgang and Suitbert to discuss ways to handle RF amplifiers and tubes in terms of preventive maintenance. Peter and Lars proposed to come along with examples showing how other equipment groups do preventive maintenance (simple email notifications as a start)
  2. The 2021 run with new RF equipment in the PSB and SPS will determine whether additional efforts will be required
  3. The CERN inforEAM training courses can be found here: Introduction to inforEAM (module #1)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Look back to situation in 2019 20m
    • 11:20 11:40
      Discussion and next steps 20m
      Speaker: Andy Butterworth (CERN)