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Mini workshop: Trig & Reco Input for European Strategy for Particle Physics 2025




Discussion around HEP Software Foundation input to European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2025 on common challenges in HEP for  Software Trigger and Reconstruction

    • 14:00 14:05
      Introduction 5m

      Overview: HSF general plans on input

      The HEP Software Foundation is planning to provide an input document to the European Strategy on Particle Physics Update 2024-2026, with a focus on the 4 most compute-intensive topics: Event Generators, Simulation, Reconstruction and Software Triggers, Data Analysis
      + crucial topic of Training and Careers.

      Today's workshop is focussed on input around Software Triggers and Reconstruction specifically.

      Page limit is 10 pages for complete document: ~2 pages per topic (i.e. what is discussed here today will have to be summarised in 2 pages).

      HSF's feedback will be a follow up to the HSF whitepaper & previous European Strategy Update:

      Timeline (HSF general)

      • Nov/Dec: Identify messages to pass (via mini workshop and discussions), prepare a 2-3 page summary.
      • Jan: Put together all HSF topics to finalize draft.
      • Feb: Circulate to community for feedback and suggestion.
      • March: Endorsement by the community.

      Meeting structure

      We have prepared a google doc for people to add thoughts/discussions before, during and after workshop. Please use it!

      At the end of the doc is a section for "Main Messages" we will aim to identify during the meeting. Please endorse the ones you agree are crucial!

      We have several talks around important topics in Trig & Reco. They are each 15 minutes + 5 minute discussions.
      At the end we have 20 minutes for discussion + any flash talks people have volunteered.

      Keep in mind

      • We aim to represent all experiments in HEP where computing challenges are paramount to inform on the international landscape: LHC experiments, Belle II, DUNE, future EIC, FCC etc, although natural focus on EU driven projects.
      • We should highlight accomplishments, synergies, and implementations since last update, not just challenges.
      • What we say on the topic of SW Trig & Reco should resonate with inputs submitted by individual experiments.
      • We only have 2 pages. : )

      What's next?

      • Everyone is welcome to join the HSF coordination meetings (every second Thursday, 15h00 CERN time) if they have further input or could not attend this meeting. Please join!
      • To sign up to mailing lists see the HSF forums webpage and click here for a community calendar.
      • We will start drafting the Trig & Reco input on overleaf with the aim of completing a full draft by end Jan, circulation to community in Feb (see timeline above) - if you're interested in being editor, get in touch.
      • Once a document is circulated, we encourage experiments to organise internal presentations at e.g. SW & Computing meetings to present the document and gather community feedback and agreement.

      Auxiliary material

      HSF Mini workshop on Training & Careers: Monday 2nd Dec @ 16h00
      HSF Mini workshop on Detector Simulation: last Friday 22nd Nov
      HSF seminar on Event Generation with GPUS: today, 16h30

    • 14:05 14:20
      Triggering strategies and heterogeneous computing 15m
      Speaker: Marianna Fontana (INFN Bologna (IT))
    • 14:25 14:40
      Software Maintainance & QA 15m
      Speakers: Dmitry Kalinkin, Dmitry Kalinkin
    • 14:45 15:00
      4D Reconstruction 15m
      Speaker: Valentina Cairo (CERN)
    • 15:05 15:20
      Training & Careers 15m
      Speaker: Vava Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 15:25 15:40
      ML in trigger 15m
      Speaker: Dylan Sheldon Rankin (University of Pennsylvania (US))
    • 15:45 16:05
      Flash Talks/Discussion 20m
      • Alternative data recording workflows 5m

        Scouting, selective persistency, delayed streams
        at HL-LHC, future collider, including nuclear/heavy ion.

        Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (The University of Manchester (GB)), Marco Montella (Ohio State University (US)), Tobias Fitschen (The University of Manchester (GB))