INFIERI: Intelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry
Astrophysics, Applied Physics, Particle Physics, Technological Challenges for confronting Physics Objectives, Exploiting Synergies, Fostering Cross Disciplinarity.
This is a global Summer School Series covering the complete signal processing chain for building 21st-century advanced instruments.
This is a 2 weeks duration school hosted each (or 2) year(s) in among the top University Campus worldwide.
The school series was Inaugurated on July 2013 at the Oxford University. Building on the success of this first school and of the following ones held in Paris (University Paris-Diderot), Hamburg (University of Hamburg), Sao Paulo (University of Sao Paulo, USP), Wuhan (University of Science and Technology, HUST), Madrid (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, UAM), back to the Campus of USP in Sao Paulo Brazil, from August 27 to September 10;the heaquarters of this school edition will be at the INOVA Center at USP.
2023 was a special year for the school series:
The 8th edition of the INFIERI school series will be held at the University of Pisa and INFN Sezione di Pisa, with the collaboration of Scuola Normale Superiore, SNS di PISA, the European Gravitational Observatory, EGO, the University of SIENA, and to be announced.
Cutting edge instrumentation is a driving force for scientific progress, in Fundamental Research (e.g. Particle Physics or Astrophysics) as well as in many Applied Research fields like New Energies, Nanotechnologies, Medicine and Biology. Novel sophisticated signal processing schemes are a key element in building the advanced instruments of the 21st century. It is around all the aspects of the signal processing chain that the scientific and technological program of the INFIERI schools is built.
Following successful editions in Oxford, Paris, Hamburg, Sao Paulo, Wuhan, Madrid, the 8th edition will be held from September 1st to September 13th, 2025, in Pisa a "Campus in the City".
The program of the 2025 school will follow the INFIERI schools' tradition by fostering cross-disciplinarity.
The three-tier program comprises lectures, keynote talks and hands-on sessions.
The school will only offer in person attendance as essential to the traditions of the school are the laboratory sessions and the close interactions of students with international experts in fundamental research and instrumentation from Academia and Industry.
The target audience is M.Sc., Ph.D., postdocs & early-career researchers, mainly physicists and engineers and following the successful educational experience of INFIERI2023 at the University of Sao Paulo, USP, this new edition will be also opened to high skilled last year undergraduate students selected on basis of their academic achievements.
All the topics covered by this School program will include dedicated hand's on Lab to complete and deepen the lectures.content.
Here below the access to the website of all the seven former editions of the INFIERI Schools; this means the detailed description of the program of lectures and Labs as well as of the social events organized at each of these schools.
The program and organization of the eigth edition to be held in Pisa, September 2025 is currently under preparation; the indico website is opened and will be updated with the evolving school program. The members of the Local Organization Committee (LOC) as well as the sites that already confirm their contribution to the School are indicated.
September 2025
- Sep 01 - Sep 14
August 2023
- Aug 27 - Sep 11