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ABP-HSS Section meeting


News and round table
Rogelio says this meeting is planned as the last regular HSS meeting,
to be continued by LNO meetings next year following the new group structure as will be discussed in tomorrows group meeting.
Rogelio will try to organize another meeting, dedicated to MAD-NG in two weeks, open for the whole group.
Stefano suggests to coordinate the schedules for future section meetings to avoid overlap and stimulate communication between sections.
Please send ideas for IPAC abstracts to Rogelio by tomorrow, to be used as basis for a discussion of participation on the group level by Monday.
IPAC'21 will be a virtual conferences, with a registration fee, expected to be lower than usual.
The deadline for abstracts on the conference level is end of January.
Massimo asks if teleworking requires local presence in the region, also for the last working week this year. Rogelio thinks exceptions are not excluded and should be discussed in advance with the supervisor.

Stefano shows slides related to collimator installation in LS2, that is by now almost complete.
The last two of six coated IR7 collimators are still planned to get installed this month.
Focus will move then to preparations of crystal collimation, that is important for RUN3 in absence of the 11 T magnets and preparations related to operation with the collimator system in RUN3.
Stefano also comments that Gianluigi will take over the Physics Beyond Collider activities from Mike Lamont, and plans a related event in March '21.

Experiments related:
Helmut report shortly from the LHCC, and refers for more information to his LMC talk later today. The experiments try all to be ready for the 2/2022 RUN3 start. A meeting by the CERN management with the experiments on schedules is planned for March'21.
The LHC background study group met on Monday, see . Roderik presented plans for simulation studies for RUN3 and beyond as requested by the experiments. There were also presentations from ATLAS and the vacuum group on details of pressure bump test analysis and simulation.

Alex says the draft schedule will soon be presented by Rende, and as said by Helmut reviews in March.
Beams are expected at the Booster entrance by Monday.
The multi-turn application using BPM data is being finalized.
Space charge was discussed in a meeting last week. A meeting related to LS2 activities is scheduled for this afternoon.

Laurent and Tobias report from a recent activity related to MAD-X migration for LSA.
The progress of SIXTRACK and MAD-NG is illustrated under highlights on the slides prepared for this meeting.

Tobias said the team met recently and has updated its web side
The timeslot for OMC meetings is planned to remain on Thursday afternoon.
On the software side, the master branch is being updated.

The meeting had two main subjects with presentations with slides

1. Ideas for extended interaction region magnet slicing, Helmut
Helmut used the detailed tracking developed last year in the context of FCC-ee MDI studies to explore extended slicing across element boundaries, including fringes and overlaps as important in interaction regions. He finds that it should be possible to reproduce the smooth orbits and dispersion obtained in tracking in good approximation using multipole kicks and drifts.
Riccardo and Rogelio asked to check if thin solenoid multipoles would be sufficient for a proper description of the interaction region fields, Rogelio mentioned a recent Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 034001 paper, and Laurent mentioned extended multipoles with longitudinal components in PTC.

2. Your single slide 2020 highlight!
In response to the request to provide single slides highlighting our work for the end of year departmental summary by Paul Collier,
many of us provided slides and presented them shortly.
The subjects included :
Machine learning applied to quadrupole errors,
beam based dodecapole error studies for HL-LHC,
progress on the codes MAD-X, MAD-ND and SixTrackLib,
heavy ion luminosity evolution modeling, collimation,
new optics repository with application to injectors,
and dynamic aperture.
All slides have been uploaded, leaving the choice to the management to select few points from this to illustrate the many interesting activities.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.