Direct Digitisation for the Power and Amplitude Measurement of Broadband pulses: Sampling and Quantisation Effects on Resolution



With the technology improvements of Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), direct digitisation is becoming more and more a viable and appealing option for the measurement of the power or the amplitude of a broadband pulse signal.

The selection of a state-of-the-art ADC imposes a trade-off between sampling frequency and resolution, and the sampling rate required by the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem might be not achievable or not optimal for the overall performance.

In this talk, the effects of the distortion due to the sampling process, and of the finite resolution of the ADC, are discussed analytically and numerically in detail for any pulse waveform as function of the characteristics of ADC.

As an example, the case study of the LHC beam extraction interlock Beam Position Monitor prototype system will be shown and the results compared with actual measurements.

The analytic model of the effects of digitisation proves to be a valid tool to understand and quantify how the sampling stage limits the measurement resolution and how the choice of the ADC can be optimised.

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BI Seminar
Irene Degl'Innocenti
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    • 15:00 16:30
      Direct Digitisation for the Power and Amplitude Measurement of Broadband Pulses: Sampling and Quantisation Effects on Resolution 1h 30m
      Speaker: Irene Degl'Innocenti (CERN)