Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–15 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dear colleagues,

the next, Twelfth CW and High Average Power RF Workshop takes place on 12.-14. September 2022 at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Welcome drink is planned for Sunday 11th and a factory visit for Thursday 15th.

Following the difficult travel, conference and funding situation of the past two years we have decided to organize a light, 3-day workshop. The workshop sessions will be held in the Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN.  To celebrate the workshop's legacy, we will have a beer and pizza workshop dinner.

Current Covid-related travel regulations to enter Switzerland can be found at the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Current Covid related regulations at CERN from CERN's Health and Safety Unit.

The workshop fee is 250 CHF (which covers the workshop dinner, coffee breaks and refreshments and the Globe running cost). There is an opportunity for industrial partners to participate, please contact us for details. 

Geneva has a very good public transport, CERN is at the terminus of tram number 18. It is easy to access from anywhere in Geneva, or the neighbour French territory. Participants are encouraged to organize their accommodation individually. In case you are not familiar with the area, feel free to contact us for an advice concerning accommodation or local transport.

Goal of the Continuous Wave and High Average Power RF Workshop is to share the experience and ideas on applications which utilize high-power klystrons, gridded tubes, solid-state architectures, high-voltage modulators, high-power combiners, circulators, transmission lines, cavities, power couplers or tuners. New ideas on upgrading the high-power RF system and novel ways of the RF power generation and distribution will also be discussed.

Scientific program committee

  • Doug Horan - SPC Chair (ANL)
  • Daniel Valuch - SPC Co-chair (CERN)
  • Kenneth Baptiste (LBNL)
  • Jörn Jacob (ESRF)
  • Yoon Kang (ORNL)
  • Eric Montesinos (CERN)
  • Wolfgang Tron (PSI)

International organization committee

  • Alireza Nassiri - IOC Chair (ANL)
  • Alessandro Fabris - IOC Co-chair (ELETTRA)
  • Takahiro Inagaki(SPring8)
  • Morten Jensen (ESS)
  • Ming-Chyuan Lin (NSRRC)
  • Francis Perez (ALBA - CELLS)
  • James Rose (BNL)

CERN Indico system is used to manage the abstracts, presentations and archive the workshop contributions from 2022, 202020182016 201420122010 and 2008. You will need to log in, using either your already existing CERN Indico account, or by creating a new light-weight account. Please follow the instructions under Call for Abstracts if you need an assistance.

Contact Daniel Valuch

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor
Esplanade des Particules 1, 1211 Meyrin, Switzerland
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