29–30 Apr 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

This meeting is one of activities of GenHET (Gender in High Energy Theory) and will address the latest advancements in string theory and discuss gender-related and equal opportunities issues in this field.

Alongside research talks, there will be discussions and panel sessions focused on gender issues in academia, and a workshop specifically designed to discuss and implement strategies that support women and other underrepresented groups in physics.

Young participants can apply to give a talk before February 29. Additionally, financial support for local expenses is possible upon request.  See more details on the registration page.


Since any positive change needs the support of the whole community we encourage everyone, scientists of any gender and career stage,  to participate in this workshop.


Invited physics speakers
  • Dionysios Anninos (Kings College)
  • Atish Dabholkar (ICTP)
  • Ruth Gregory (Kings College)
  • Monica Guica (CEA/Saclay, Lausanne University and CERN)
  • Niels Obers (Niels Bohr Institute) 
  • Irene Valenzuela (Autonoma University Madrid and CERN)
Gender activities
Talks by:
  • Melissa Dancy (Western Michigan University) : Dismantling inequity in physics: The essential role of overrepresented groups
  • Marika Taylor (University of Birminghan) : Gender and physics within Europe
Workshop: Beyond Good Intentions: Strategies for Effective Equity Work
Conveners: Melissa Dancy and Charles Henderson (Western Michigan University) 
Pannel discussion: quotas and female-only positions
Melania Coletta (CERN diversity office)
Alejandra Castro (Cambridge University)
Jan de Boer (Amsterdam University)
Jan Louis (University of Hambourg)
Yosef Nir (Weizmann Institute)
Michela Petrini (Sorbonne University)
Moderator: Silvia Penati
Networking event
Contributed talks:
Arpit Das (University of Edinburgh)
Marina David (KU Leuven)
Saskia Demulder (Ben Gurion University)
Camille Eloy (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Caroline Jonas (KU Leuven)
Anayeli Ramirez (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Marcia Tenser (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Stathis Vitouladitis (University of Amsterdam)
Mariana Graña (CEA/Saclay, France)
Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo University)
Marija Tomasevic (Amsterdam University)
Céline Zwikel (Perimeter Institute)



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