2–7 Jun 2014
Columbia University, New York, USA
US/Eastern timezone
The second annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) conference will be held at Columbia University in New York City from June 2-7, 2014. The conference is jointly hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory and Columbia University. This conference is a result of a recent merger of two international conferences: "Physics at Large Hadron Collider" and "Hadron Collider Physics Symposium". The program will be devoted to a review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on hadron collider physics and a discussions on the outlook for the coming years. The conference intends to provide a lively discussion between experimenters and theorists on topics such as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson, Supersymmetry and Heavy Ion Physics and planning for the high luminosity upgrades.
Columbia University, New York, USA

Conference website:       http://www.bnl.gov/lhcp2014/index.php

Proceedings Submission Instructions:

The proceedings of the second annual LHCP will be published online on eCONF,   http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/index.html 

As talk and poster contributors, please prepare the papers with the following page limits, including the title page:

  • 7 pages for plenary talks
  • 6 pages for parallel talks 
  • 4 pages for posters

The papers for the proceedings should be prepared using the following latex template,
Please modify necessary parts of the file eprint.tex, following the instruction in the file. 

Once the paper is prepared (after internal reviews by experiments,  if necessary), it must be submitted to the eprint arXiv (http://arXiv.org). For first time users, general submission help can be found at the eprint arXiv site.   You will receive confirmation email upon every step of the process, if you don't, it means you still have more to do. The ultimate goal is to see the full text of your paper on the arXiv.org server with an eprint number in the form "arXiv/yymm.nnnn”.

After the paper is accepted by arXiv, please go to the LHCP 2014 indico page, https://indico.cern.ch/event/279518/other-view?view=standard , identify your talk or poster, and upload a link to the arXiv paper in your contribution.   Please also inform the conference secretary,  Winnie Yu, whyu@bnl.gov. 

All contributions are subject to review by the conference organizers. 

The deadline for the proceedings submission is Sept 1, 2014.