Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

HPTPC analysis and software meeting


Attendees: Brailsford, Nonnenmacher, Atkin, Korzenev, Parker, Chen-Wishart, Richie-Yates, Valder, Wascko, Jones, Monroe, Kaboth, Dunne, Hamacher-Baumann


Working group reports



  • Index bug.
  • Dimensionality of histogram bug found.
  • All pixels are discretised in units of 0.25 ADU.  Raw images should be integers.  To be double checked.
  • Spark killer being updated so that a spark in one image kills all 4 images



  • No RAPtorr development
  • Being used for analysis now



  • No updates this week



  •  Talk by Ed
    • Beam database development - extracts information from current DBs
    • Information from elog used to find runs with specific parameters: No. Moderator blocks, collimator change, electron target change etc.
    • Magnet current vs time presented, shows periods of long term change and some significant outliers.
      • Followup questions with CERN beam group regarding measured 0 current points
    • Database farm access - an ongoing battle.  An email to sys-admin is needed
      • If multiple access is a problem, may be necessary to implement a ’smart’ job submitter
      • Need to check where DMTPC database is located and check their methodology
    • Time distribution of TPC waveforms shown for all anodes
      • #TODO
        • Apply threshold to remove KeV electron bursts
        • Suggestion to plot pulse height vs time



CCD Labelling

  • CCD index stored in dmtpc/raptorr does not correspond to the indices used in various codes in dmtpc; the element on the CCD vector is used instead.
  • Change implementation so that the camera config struct’s ccd_index variable tracks the vector element index.


ToF analysis

  • Talk by Seb
    • Various figures of merit for the paper put forward
    • Off-axis angle currently measured from S1.

      • Currently using beam database information work to calculate beam steering/beam axis.
    • Particle incidence rate for various ToF coincidences shown
      • Necessary to correct for the geometric acceptance of the ToFs (and dead time in the case of S3) when making comparisons


HPTPC instrumentation paper

  • No updates for this week
  • Internal deadline for mid-end February


Beam flux paper

  • Focussed on flux analysis, writing to follow.


RAPtorr workshop discussion

  • Investigate reconstruction prior to next workshop
    • Team CCD should push forward on implementing a first draft of clustering in the next week
  • We will need a simulation to develop the reco + selection
  • Further discussion of plans and goals at next meeting



  •  Alexander will send his VCI2019 talk around later today.  Please read.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 12:00 12:20
      Working group reports 20m
      • CCD
      • Waveform
      • 'Global'
      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Dominic Bevan Brailsford (Lancaster University (GB)), Edward Thomas Atkin (Imperial College (GB)), Jennifer Teresa Haigh (University of Warwick (GB)), Patrick James Dunne (Imperial College (GB)), Sammy Lee Valder (University of Warwick (GB)), Toby Sean Nonnenmacher (Imperial College (GB)), William Charles Parker (University of London (GB))
    • 12:20 12:30
      CCD labelling 10m
      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Zachary Chen-Wishart (Royal Holloway University of London)
    • 12:30 12:50
      ToF analysis 20m
      Speakers: Seb Jones (University of London (GB)), Toby Nonnenmacher (Imperial College London)
    • 12:50 13:00
      HPTPC instrumentation paper status 10m
      Speaker: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB))
    • 13:00 13:10
      Beam flux paper status 10m
      Speakers: Seb Jones (University of London (GB)), Toby Nonnenmacher (Imperial College London)
    • 13:15 13:45
      RAPtorr workshop goals discussion 30m

      Reconstruction and combining detector information (what do we need for a cross-section measurement)?
      - TPC clustering
      - TREx
      - TPC calorimetry
      - CCD-Anode matching
      - ToF track reconstruction
      - TPC-ToF track matching
      - Simulation?

    • 13:45 14:05
      aob 20m