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4 May 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


The Workshop on Radiation Facilities and Testing of Semiconductor Devices and Systems for Industry

The aim of the workshop is to put together the testing facilities and radiation experts as well as stakeholders from industry and academia to stimulate discussion, in the framework of the RADNEXT Initiative.

This one-day workshop will take place as a virtual event


G-RAD(NEXT) will be an opportunity of exchange between representative from the industry and from the facilities, in order to:

  1. Communicate about what RADNEXT is and what it can do for industry
  2. Learn from industry how RADNEXT could deploy its services to have a larger impact on the technical challenges of the industrial community


Technical topics

The technical sessions of G-RAD(NEXT) will be organised around the core applications in the domain of irradiation. Each technical session will be organised in a similar manner.

At first, a presentation from a representative of the industrial stakeholder group will describe the main challenges and perspectives. Then, an introduction of the most adequate RADNEXT facilities to respond to the need of the user community will be provided. A discussion will follow, where concrete actions will be identified to mature more effective interactions between RADNEXT and the industrial community.


Target audience

  • Companies providing or using radiation testing services and consultancy
  • Facilities and research infrastructures providing access to users in the field of radiation testing or intending to provide access in the near future.
  • Academics working in the field of radiation effects on semiconductors
  • Organizations involved in the standardisation of testing methods and workflows


Desired Outcomes

Our goal is to increase the level of engagement of industry with the members of the RADNEXT consortium, with a growth of the industrial quota of transnational access and proprietary/confidential access (when needed). Our aim is to better serve the industrial community, and in this way to create value for the European Industry and increase the socio-economic impact of RADNEXT.



Click here to start your registration.
