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SA2.2 SQAP draft discussion

R-28-014 (CERN)



Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
Meeting to discuss and give feedback on the first SQAP draft.
Conference Name:    SA2.2 meeting to review the SQAP draft
Start Date:    Friday 1st July 2010 at 9:30 AM, Europe/Zurich
Duration:    2h30    
Dial-in numbers and access codes    
Dial-in numbers:    +41227676000 (English, Main)
Access codes:    0119789 (Leader)
0129762 (Participant)
Leader site:
Participant site:

List of participants:

At CERN: Francesco, Gianni, Alberto and Maria.

On the phone: Andrea, Giuseppe, Danilo, Jozef, Cristina.

SQAP v3 was reviewed section by section up to the section about the Reporting Tasks. Maria took note of the comments and improved some of the sections. Some of the actions that were decided:

- Alberto to clarify with the PEB and PTB its involvement in SQA.

- Alberto and Francesco to clarify with management whether SQA should define packaging guidelines and similar stuff.

- Jozef to check with Balasz reviews of Technical Development Plan.

- Maria to add section about SQAP review and SQA Factors.

- Maria to contact Elisa and include the Security Assessments.

- Maria to produce a new version of the document after the meeting.

- Maria to finish the Procedures section.

- Maria to schedule a new phone conference when the Procedures are defined.

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