All participants have to make their own hotel booking.
We have pre-booked rooms in the following hotels - Hotel Norrtull and Elite Palace Hotel are within 15' walk to Karolinska. Hotel Hellsten and Rex Hotel are opposite each other and near the subway.
Hotel Norrtull – S:t Eriksgatan 119, Stockholm
Rooms availabl 2 - 10 September. The rooms will be kept until 10 August.
Single rooms SEK 1270 per night, breakfast included.
To book, please send an e-mail to stating: Ref: 51518. Name, address and phone number. Date of arrival and departure. Credit card details for guarantee.
Elite Palace Hotel, - S:t Eriksgatan 115, Stockholm
20 double deluxe 1400 SEK including breakfast
2-8 September. The rooms will be kept until 2 August.
For reservation: phone +46 8 566 217 40 or e-mail
Booking ref. KI100902.
Hotel Hellsten - Luntmakargatan 68, Stockholm
10 double rooms for single use 1227 SEK per night including breakfast.
2 - 8 September. The rooms will be kept until 2 August.
For reservation: phone +46 8 6618600 or e-mail
Booking ref. Block ID 334202.
Last day for cancellation without penalty is 2 August 2010
Rex Hotel - Luntmakargatan 73, Stockholm
10 single rooms 990 SEK
10 double rooms for single use 1123 SEK including breakfast.
2 - 8 September. The rooms will be kept until 2 August.
For reservation: phone +46 8 160040 or e-mail
Booking ref. Block ID 334201.
Last day for cancellation without penalty is 2 August 2010
There are also pre-booked rooms at Wardshuset Solnahojd – Industrivagen 27, Solna (info in English not available)
Single/double SEK 650/750 breakfast included.
To book, please send an e-mail to stating: Ref: KI MSF. Name, address and phone number. Date of arrival and departure. Way of payment: Visa/MasterCard or cash.
To find other accommodation visit for example, destination Stockholm,
hostel.fridhemsplan and