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EMI SA2 Weekly Meeting



Meeting Access Information:
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- Phone Bridge
ID: 62440
- Phone Bridges Numbers

NOTE: THE MEETING IS RECORDED (for minutes-taking only purposes, then the files are deleted)
Action List
    • 10:30 10:40
      Action List Review 10m
      Emi Sa2 Action List
    • 10:40 11:10
      Task Reports and Progress 30m
      In this first meeting we will discuss on who is working on which task(s).
      • TSA2.1 – Work Package coordination 5m
        + Status and Progress - Followed Open Issues with the PEB. Any new one? - CERN accounts all solved. - PPT sheets received. Is there any question? - Participated to discussion for the SQAP. - PEB wants much more detains into the Software Quality Plan. We will include the proposals and ge tit discussed. + Deliverables and Milestones - Milestones MSA2.1 ready to be sent - Deliverable DSA2.1 should contains details on the processes, metrics etc want
        SA2 Internal Wiki
        Sa2 Meetings
      • TSA2.2 – Quality Assurance Process Definition and Monitoring 5m
        + Status and progress - Working on the SQAP. Completing sections about procedures. Adding Security Assessments. + Issues to discuss - Understand which guidelines (i.e. packaging) need to be defined by SA2 and who is going to do this. - Is it needed to organise a new phone conference once I add the new changes? or comments by mail? + Steps next week - Finish the SQAP
      • TSA2.3 – Metrics and KPIs Definition and Reporting 5m
        + Status and Progress A document with a first set of proposed metric is being produced. After an internal review we will circulate it to get feedback. + Issues to Discuss ARC (some) and UNICORE contribution to metrics survey still missing: + Steps Next Week Internal review of the metrics document with 4 agile meetings, from 10.30 to 10.45 on the 12th, 13th, 15th and 16th of July. We plan to finish this document on the afternoon 16th July
      • TSA2.4 – Tools and Repositories Selection, Maintenance and Integration 5m
        + Status and Progress - Tools Plan Document sent internally for reviews, no answers so far - First version of MSA2.1 report prepared - Andres and Alberto Resco in holidays for 1 and 2 weeks - Progressing on the ETICS Repository extraction + Issues to Discuss + Steps Next Week - Waiting for feedback - Additional refinement of the document
      • TSA2.5 – QA Implementation Review and Support 5m
      • TSA2.6 – Testbeds Setup, Maintenance and Coordination 5m
        + Status and Progress - we had a meeting - Up to now just CNAF e INFN working on savannah task 16337: resources inventory. - contacted dcache people for dcache resources: Patrick must confirm availability. + Issues to Discuss - Missing partners effort on task 16337 (apart from CERN and INFN). Need to speed up for the milestone by the end of July. Any way to push their effort? - dcache resources can be considered part of external large scale testbed? or desy is EMI partner? - PT mailing lists already available? - Availability reports needed for the milestone? Accessible links or monthly report available in a repository are enough? - any updates about PTB document defining list of services and platforms? + Steps Next Week - task 16337 (Julich, CESNET, ARC)!! - PT squads
    • 11:10 11:30
      Issue and Topics to Discuss 20m
      • AOB