12–17 Apr 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

12.5 Years of Fermi LAT Flare Advocate Service

14 Apr 2021, 18:30


Stefano Ciprini (INFN & University Perugia)


The Fermi Flare Advocate (also known as Gamma-ray Sky Watcher, FA-GSW) service provides for a quick look and review of the gamma-ray sky observed daily by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) through on-duty LAT Flare Advocates and high level software pipelines like the LAT Automatic Science Processing (ASP), the Fermi All-sky Variability Analysis (FAVA), a dedicated suite of software and, recently, by a quicklooks analysis for cosmic neutrino alerts.

The service provides alerts and communicates to the external scientific community potentially new gamma-ray sources, and interesting transients, flares, outbursts, particular flux trends and spectral hardenings of, mainly, extragalactric sources, in addition to a preliminary outlook to gamma-ray sky positions of cosmic neutrinos detected by IceCube.

From 2008 August 3, to 2021 February 1, 542 Astronomer's Telegrams reporting blazars, radiogalaxies, novae, microquasars, the Crab nebula, unidentified and new sources, and about 60 Gamma-ray Coordinates Network notes with LAT follow up of IceCube events have been published by the Fermi LAT Collaboration. Target of opportunity observing programs to other satellites and telescopes have also been triggered by Flare Advocates.


Stefano Ciprini (INFN & University Perugia)

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