Apr 12 – 17, 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Pre-Recorded Talks

Pre-Recorded Talks

If you would like to attach a pre-recorded talk with your presentation instead of a live presentation, please follow the instructions found below. 


Uploading your video to YouTube

  • Sign In or Sign Up to Youtube 

  • Navigate to 'Your Channel' by selecting the round profile picture located on the right hand corner of the page  

  • Click on the 'Upload video' button 

  • Click on the 'Select Files' to upload a video  

  • Ensure that your video is in video format (MP4, MOV, WMV, FLV, AVI, etc.)  

  • Once the video has been uploaded to YouTube, select the 'Share' button and copy the video link


Uploading your video to Indico

  • In the left hand navigation menu navigate to > 'My Contributions' (located under 'My Conference')  

  • Click on the 'Title of your contribution'  

  • Situated on the right hand side of the page, beside 'Presentation Materials', click on the 'Pencil Icon' 

  • Click on the 'Add Link' button  

  • Embed the copied video link by pasting the copied video link next to 'URL*'