Please upload the pdf posters on the Indico page by Friday, April 9.
Ensure that the file is:
a one page poster in A0 size
uploaded in the PDF format
is between Small (10 – 100 KB) and Medium (100 KB – 1 MB) in size (please do not exceed 3 MB in size)
Submitting your Poster to Indico
In the left hand navigation menu navigate to > 'My Contributions' (located under 'My Conference')
Click on the 'Title of your contribution'
Situated on the right hand side of the page, beside 'Presentation Materials', click on the 'Pencil Icon'
Click on the 'Upload Files' button to upload your file
Virtual Presentation of Posters
We will be using a virtual platform called for poster presentations and interactions between the presenters and viewers. The link for the Symposium is below (password will be shared soon)
All submitted posters have been arranged in 4 categories:
- Diffuse/Dark matter/Cosmic rays/Catalogs
- Binaries/Galactic/Pulsar/SNRs/Solar
- GRBs/Supernovae/Instrumentations
There are 3 dedicated time slots for each category, please visit the timetable for details. We request the poster presenters to stand by their posters in virtual space on during at least one of the 3 time slots in order to interact with the viewers.