12–17 Apr 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

3D magnetised jet break-out from neutron-star binary merger ejecta: afterglow emission from the jet and the ejecta

16 Apr 2021, 07:40
Poster Gamma-ray Bursts Gamma-ray Bursts/SN/Instrumentation-3


Antonios Nathanail


We perform three-dimensional (3D) general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic sim-
ulations to model the jet break-out from the ejecta expected to be produced in a
binary neutron-star merger. The structure of the relativistic outflow from the 3D sim-
ulation confirms our previous results from 2D simulations, namely, that a relativistic
magnetized outflow breaking out from the merger ejecta exhibits a hollow core of
θ core ≈ 4 ◦ , an opening angle of θ jet > 10 ◦ , and is accompanied by a wind of ejected
matter that will contribute to the kilonova emission. We also compute the non-thermal
afterglow emission of the relativistic outflow and fit it to the panchromatic afterglow
from GRB170817A, together with the superluminal motion reported from VLBI ob-
servations. In this way, we deduce an observer angle of θ obs = 35.7 ◦ +1.8
−2.2 . We further compute the afterglow emission from the ejected matter and constrain the parameter space for a scenario in which the matter responsible for the thermal kilonova emission will also lead to a non-thermal emission yet to be observed.


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