12–17 Apr 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

An association of a Fermi-LAT flaring activity with a blazar candidate behind the Large Magellanic Cloud

15 Apr 2021, 18:43
Poster AGN AGN-2


Natalia Zywucka


We present the results of a preliminary investigation of a potential association of a blazar
candidate behind the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and a gamma-ray transient object.
The hint of flaring activity appeared at the position (RA,dec)∼(86.60 deg,-69.02 deg), while
the J0545-6846 blazar candidate is located at (RA,dec)=(86.47 deg,-68.77 deg). J0545-6846 is characterised by a particularly large radio flux of 176.3 mJy at 843 MHz, a high value
of the radio-loudness parameter R=6900, and an integrated gamma-ray flux >1 GeV of ∼9.6 × 10-12 erg cm-2 s-1.
We have analysed the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) data from the LMC region in
order to verify the flaring activity detected in July/August 2008 and later in April 2015 in
MeV and GeV energies, using the latest Fermi-LAT point source catalogue. The performed unbinned maximum likelihood analysis took into account the positions of all known point-like sources, diffuse emission as well as the advanced gas modelling from the investigated region.
Our preliminary analyses indicate positional consistency between J0545-6846
and the flaring activity in both periods. This suggests that the observed transient activities are related to the same blazar.


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