12–17 Apr 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Cross-match between the latest Swift/BAT and Fermi/LAT catalogs toward MeV all sky simulation

14 Apr 2021, 07:07
Poster Catalogs Dark Matter/CR/Catalogs-2


Naomi Tsuji


We report the results of cross-match between the hard X-ray and GeV gamma-ray catalogs, by making use of the latest 105-month Swift/BAT and 10-yr Fermi/LAT catalogs, respectively. We found 181 matched sources in total, which include 36 of false-match, unidentified, and ambiguous sources. The firmly matched sources consist of blazars (> 60%), pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae (∼10%), radio galaxies (∼ 7%), binaries (∼ 5%), and others. Compared to the original catalogs, the matched sources are characterized by double-peaked photon index distributions, higher flux, and larger gamma-ray variability index. This difference arises from the different population of sources, particularly the large proportion of blazars (i.e., FSRQs and BL Lac types). We also report 13 cross-matched and unidentified sources. The matched sources in this study would be promising in the intermediate energy band between the hard X-ray and GeV gamma-ray observations, that is the unexplored MeV gamma-ray domain.


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