Dark Matter Constraints & Diffuse Emission: Plenary-5
- Miguel Sánchez-Conde (IFT UAM/CSIC)
With gamma-ray observations from Fermi-LAT, cosmic-ray observations from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 02 on board the International Space Station, and with collider data at the LHC and direct detection underground experiments, we are at last probing WIMP dark matter candidates masses and cross-sections. I will discuss the current status of constraints on WIMP scale dark matter from...
The nature of Dark Matter (DM) is still an open question for modern Physics. In the particle DM paradigm, this elusive kind of matter cannot be made of any of the known particles of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Many efforts have been made in order to model the nature of the DM. Among others, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are one of the most favored candidates for...
The Galactic Centre region is noteworthy for its massive black hole, bursts of star formation, network of highly magnetised filaments, and bipolar outflow to the halo. This region is of high interest to characterise the nuclei of spiral galaxies and the interstellar medium in starburst galaxies, but its study is hampered by confusion with Galactic activity along the 8.15 kpc-long sightlines to...
It has been suggested that a huge amount of baryons resides in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) extending out to the virial radii of galaxies. In this work we attempt to measure the baryon mass in CGM with a novel method based on the gamma-ray observations of the extended halo of the Andromeda Galaxy Messier 31 (M31). Since cosmic-ray particles generated inside the galaxy will eventually escape...