Exploring Data Analysis: Parallel-13
- Benoit Lott (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG))
At GeV energies, the sky is dominated by the interstellar emission from the Galaxy. With limited statistics and spatial resolution, accurate separation of point sources is therefore challenging. In this presentation I will describe the first application of deep learning based algorithms to detect and classify point sources from raw gamma-ray data. To detect point sources we utilise U-shaped...
We present results of Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) light curve (LC) modelling
of selected Fermi blazars. All objects possess densely sampled and long-term LCs. For
each blazar we generated three LCs with 7, 10, and 14 days binning, using the latest
4FGL catalogue and binned analysis provided within the fermipy package.
The LCs were modelled with several tools: the Fourier...
The wealth of multiwavelength pulsar data has stimulated the development of emission models that predict light curves (LCs) over multiple wavebands, most notably radio and gamma-ray. Using established statistical methods to fit these model LCs to data can prove ineffectual if the data from one waveband are substantially more precise. This waveband—typically radio—dominates the fit and biases...
An important step of a Fermi-LAT data analysis of a Region of Interest consists in performing a binned likelihood fit to find the sky model that, after convolution with the instrument response, best predicts the number of observed counts. The data and model counts are binned in a 3d grid, with two spatial and one spectral dimensions. Checking the goodness-of-fit is not straightforward because...
The diffuse extragalactic background light (EBL) is formed by ultraviolet (UV), optical, and infrared (IR) photons mainly produced by star formation processes over the history of the Universe, and contains essential information about galaxy evolution and cosmology. In this talk, we present a new determination of the evolving EBL spectral energy distribution using a novel approach purely based...
Do photons of different energies disperse as they race across the universe? Potential reasons for dispersion include violations of Lorentz invariance, violations of the weak equivalence principle, and electromagnetic interactions with the intervening matter. Which parameters make GRBs the most sensitive to these potential differences: their great distance, being seen over such a wide range of...