Exploring the Galaxy: Models and Maps: Parallel-15
- Maxim Lyutikov
Spider pulsars refer to the general class of millisecond pulsar binaries comprising a low-mass companion in a tight-enough orbit for the latter to be strongly affected by the energetic pulsar wind. In the radio regime multiple spider systems present extended eclipses which has made them challenging to discover in typical radio surveys. Fermi LAT has considerably changed this picture as...
Black widow (BW) and redback (RB) systems are compact binaries in which the pulsar heats or ablates its low-mass companion by its intense wind of relativistic particles and emission. Radio, optical and X-ray follow-up of unidentified Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) sources has expanded the number of these systems from four to nearly 30. Orbital modulation in X-rays suggests that in many...
Modeling of the NICER X-ray waveform of the pulsar PSR J0030+0451 aimed to constrain the neutron star mass and radius has inferred surface hot spots (i.e., the magnetic polar caps) that imply significantly non-dipolar magnetic fields. We investigate magnetic field configurations that comprise offset dipole plus quadrupole components using static vacuum field and force-free global magnetosphere...
Our Galaxy hosts around 160 globular clusters (GCs). The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) has detected about two dozen of them in the GeV band, including Terzan 5. However, only Terzan 5 has plausibly been detected in the very-high-energy range. This unique cluster has also been detected in the radio and X-ray bands. We model the updated broadband spectral energy distribution, attributing this...
Ground-based Air-Cherenkov telescopes have detected pulsations at energies above 50 GeV from a growing number of Fermi pulsars. These include the Crab, Vela, PSR B1706-44 and Geminga, with the first two having pulsed detections above 1 TeV. There appears to be VHE emission that is an extension of the Fermi spectra to high energies as well as additional higher-energy components that require a...
We will present our follow-up studies of candidate TeV sources. Instead of a blind scan, we searched for significant multi-TeV emission from previously identified targets. Using data from the most recent HAWC sky map (1132 days), we followed up two lists of proposed sources: the sources flagged as good TeV candidates in the Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources (3FHL); and the unassociated...