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3rd CLIC-ILC BDS+MDI meeting

6/2-004 (CERN)



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 Minutes of the 3rd CLIC-ILC BDS+MDI meeting, 19 July 2010.


*FACET Collimator wakefield experiment proposal 

Deepa: missing RF simulations

Nigel: RF expert  left. Good measurements might require good quality BPMs. Make sure measurement will be successful. Back of the envelope calculation might be enough.

Andre Seryi: SLAC probably have manpower.

Action: distribute beam-line parameters and default BPM resolution.



Rogelio: The "Component specification" section does not exactly correspond to the "Accelerator Components" in the ILC RDR. Daniel replies that this was the aim so the title might be modified. 

Daniel: we should check that CC is well covered. Solenoid goes into MDI. Vacuum and wakes should be covered superficially. Some feedbacks should be included but results go to emittance preservation. IP feedback mostly covered in MDI chapter. 

Action: The experts of Crab Cavities, Collimation and Muon supressor should give talks with the status of the systems in the next meetings.




Rogelio: Could the Muon Scrapers proposed by Lau be simulated by Lawrence. Grahame replies that yes once the field map is available.

Daniel: No cost in the CDR chapters.

MDI overlaps with some other chapters. Tolerances should go in the BDS chapter. Technical descriptions should go in the MDI chapter. 



*Luminosity with Crab Cavities

 Exact voltage from simulations 2.6 MV.

Increased tolerance on CC voltage. 22 mdeg tolerance on phase.

Roll tolerance ~ mdeg.

 Vertical plane expanded by CC !! Consistent with beams going offcenter in FD quads.

 5-10% luminosity loss due to this effect.

Andrea tested the CC for the ILC without surprises.

Compare beam distributions at sextupoles. 

Andrei: Similar effects were evaluated  in ILC. See:
(the document is attached to this minutes)

Daniel: Maybe a design issue, to be followed up.


* FFS tuning news

 The IP angle did not do much. Further studies on-going.


*News on alternative tuning techniques

Andrea switched on synchrotron radiation for this tuning algorithm.

50 thin lenses are used for the dipoles (default is 5).

100000 particles are simulated.

Average sigmay after Andrea's tuning is 23.4nm.

Average sigmax after Andrea's tuning is 1250 nm.




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:20
      FACET proposal discussion 20m
    • 16:20 16:40
      CLIC CDR BDS chapter discussion 20m
    • 16:40 17:00
      MDI status and overlaping of CDR chapters 20m
      Speaker: Lau Gatignon (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:20
      Luminosity with crab cavities 20m
      Speaker: Dr Graeme Burt (Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University)
    • 17:20 17:35
      FFS tuning status 15m
      Speaker: Barbara Dalena (CERN)
    • 17:35 17:50
      News from an alternative tuning algorithm 15m
      Speaker: Dr Andrea Latina (FNAL)