Development of a Z+jets dedicated treatment within the scope of the search for the decay of the Higgs Boson to charm quarks with the ATLAS experiment
Antonio Manuel Mendes Jacques Da Costa
(University of Birmingham (GB))
Axion searches in rare Higgs decays at ATLAS
Adam James Ruby
(University of Liverpool (GB))
A search for invisibly decaying Higgs Bosons in the fully hadronic final state, targeting the ttH and VH production modes
David Benjamin Anthony
(University of Bristol (GB))
Searches for Higgs boson pair production in the bbττ final state with 139 fb-1 of pp collision data with the ATLAS detector
Zhiyuan Li
(University of Liverpool (GB))
Optimizing the search for pair-production of Higgs Bosons in the bbbb final state using data collected from proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS detector.
Lucas Santiago Borgna
Combining di-Higgs decay channels to measure a combined limit on the di-Higgs cross section with the ATLAS detector
Natasha Hehir
(Queen Mary University of London (GB))