21–23 Apr 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Transverse single spin asymmetry at two loops

22 Apr 2021, 09:35



Sanjin Benić (University of Zagreb)


Single spin asymmetry (SSA) is a high energy QCD phenomena associated with production of particles in collisions off a transversely polarized proton. There are several potential contributions that generate SSA at the leading, one-loop, order that originate from different soft parts of the cross section. The main focus of this talk will be on our recent work where we explicitly demonstrate that a genuienly new contribution coming from the gT(x) distribution function is first seen at two loops. I will provide the most important details of this calculation as well as explain the final formula. I will also explain what is needed for a non-zero SSA in general and also make remarks on the current status and different factorization frameworks used.

Primary author

Sanjin Benić (University of Zagreb)

Presentation materials