21–23 Apr 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

One-loop self-energy and curvature masses for (axial) vector mesons in ELSM

21 Apr 2021, 15:45



Győző Kovács (Wigner RCP)


The effective models play an important role in the investigation of the phase structure of the strongly interacting matter. The (axial) vector meson extended linear sigma model (ELSM) was already analysed at finite temperature and gave predictions to thermodynamical quantities and the critical end point. To improve this model with including an (axial) vector-fermion interaction and take into account mesonic one-loop corrections one needs to investigate the one-loop self-energy for (axial) vector mesons at finite temperature and understand its properties. These quantities and the curvature masses of the different modes were determined in a Nf=2+1 ELSM.

Primary author

Győző Kovács (Wigner RCP)

Presentation materials